Sonar Gerrit Plugin Release

I am happy to announce a first release of my Sonar Gerrit plugin. This plugin reports Sonar violations on your patchsets to your Gerrit server. Sonar analyses full project, but only files included in patchset are commented on Gerrit. Please forward to project page for installation instructions. This plugin is intended to use with Gerrit Trigger plugin for Jenkins CI server. Together they provide a great tool for automatic static code analysis.I am happy to announce a first release of my Sonar Gerrit plugin. This plugin reports Sonar violations on your patchsets to your Gerrit server. Sonar analyses full project, but only files included in patchset are commented on Gerrit. Please forward to project page for installation instructions. This plugin is intended to use with Gerrit Trigger plugin for Jenkins CI server. Together they provide a great tool for automatic static code analysis. Read more

Custom SonarQube rules for Unit Tests

It's a tutorial about creating new rules for SonarQube analysis to be applied to Unit Tests. It is not trivial and involves a few tricky database steps, so I want to share my tutorial about it.It's a tutorial about creating new rules for SonarQube analysis to be applied to Unit Tests. It is not trivial and involves a few tricky database steps, so I want to share my tutorial about it. Read more