Gerrit notifications via Rocket.Chat


Gerrit often sends a lot of emails, especially if you take part in many projects. For a while we felt that sometimes it’s hard to notice the most important ones, like reviewers’ and Sputnik‘s comments on our changes. We use Rocket.Chat for text communication inside the company and most of us are connected throughout the day, so we thought it might be useful to get chat message notification every time a comment is added on one’s changes.

Gerrit hooks

Gerrit has a built-in mechanism for running hooks – scripts that are called whenever a specific event occurs. The script must be named the same as the hook. We created a bash script named comment-added, which is run every time someone adds a comment. Gerrit provides it with a lot of useful parameters, like project name, comment author, score, change owner, etc. Full documentation can be found here. After parsing those parameters, we can send a message to change owner on Rocket.Chat.

Gerrit hooks script have to be placed in a certain location. To avoid manually updating the files there, we set up a repository for hook scripts. They are periodically pulled to the correct location which simplifies the process of making changes to the scripts.

Integration with Rocket.Chat

Rocket.Chat has a pretty versatile REST API that allows us to send messages by calling curl from the comment-added script. Full documentation for the API can be found here. Currently, the API is in beta version, but so far we haven’t had any issues with it.

We previously set up a user that sends Jenkins automatic messages to our team chat and we reuse this user here. Firstly, we have to log in by calling api/v1/login endpoint:

curl https://<Rocket.Chat server address>/api/v1/login -d "username=<username>&password=<password>"

In response, we get a JSON with the logged user’s id and authorization token:

  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "authToken": "<authorization token>",
    "userId": "<user id>"

Next, we send a direct message to user by their username (in our case, we can get the username from change owner’s email), calling api/v1/chat.postMessage endpoint. This sends a direct message to the user, even if there was no previous conversation between the users – no need to set up a room or open chat. Example:

curl -H "X-Auth-Token: <authorization token>" \
  -H "X-User-Id: <user id>" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d "{\"channel\": \"@<recipient username>\", \"text\": \"<message>\"}" \
  https://<Rocket.Chat server address>/api/v1/chat.postMessage


We created a simple script to solve the issue of getting notified when we get comments on our changes. So far, the team seems pleased with how this works and finds it quite useful. We hope that it would be useful for you as well – full code can be found here.

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Atom Feeds with Spring MVC

How to add feeds (Atom) to your web application with just two classes?
How about Spring MVC?

Here are my assumptions:
  • you are using Spring framework
  • you have some entity, say “News”, that you want to publish in your feeds
  • your "News" entity has creationDate, title, and shortDescription
  • you have some repository/dao, say "NewsRepository", that will return the news from your database
  • you want to write as little as possible
  • you don't want to format Atom (xml) by hand
You actually do NOT need to use Spring MVC in your application already. If you do, skip to step 3.

Step 1: add Spring MVC dependency to your application
With maven that will be:

Step 2: add Spring MVC DispatcherServlet
With web.xml that would be:
Notice, I set the url-pattern to “/feed” which means I don't want Spring MVC to handle any other urls in my app (I'm using a different web framework for the rest of the app). I also give it a brand new contextConfigLocation, where only the mvc configuration is kept.

Remember that, when you add a DispatcherServlet to an app that already has Spring (from ContextLoaderListener for example), your context is inherited from the global one, so you should not create beans that exist there again, or include xml that defines them. Watch out for Spring context getting up twice, and refer to spring or servlet documentation to understand what's happaning.

Step 3. add ROME – a library to handle Atom format
With maven that is:

Step 4. write your very simple controller
public class FeedController {
    static final String LAST_UPDATE_VIEW_KEY = "lastUpdate";
    static final String NEWS_VIEW_KEY = "news";
    private NewsRepository newsRepository;
    private String viewName;

    protected FeedController() {} //required by cglib

    public FeedController(NewsRepository newsRepository, String viewName) {
        notNull(newsRepository); hasText(viewName);
        this.newsRepository = newsRepository;
        this.viewName = viewName;

    @RequestMapping(value = "/feed", method = RequestMethod.GET)        
    public ModelAndView feed() {
        ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
        List<News> news = newsRepository.fetchPublished();
        modelAndView.addObject(NEWS_VIEW_KEY, news);
        modelAndView.addObject(LAST_UPDATE_VIEW_KEY, getCreationDateOfTheLast(news));
        return modelAndView;

    private Date getCreationDateOfTheLast(List<News> news) {
        if(news.size() > 0) {
            return news.get(0).getCreationDate();
        return new Date(0);
And here's a test for it, in case you want to copy&paste (who doesn't?):
public class FeedControllerShould {
    @Mock private NewsRepository newsRepository;
    private Date FORMER_ENTRY_CREATION_DATE = new Date(1);
    private Date LATTER_ENTRY_CREATION_DATE = new Date(2);
    private ArrayList<News> newsList;
    private FeedController feedController;

    public void prepareNewsList() {
        News news1 = new News().title("title1").creationDate(FORMER_ENTRY_CREATION_DATE);
        News news2 = new News().title("title2").creationDate(LATTER_ENTRY_CREATION_DATE);
        newsList = newArrayList(news2, news1);

    public void prepareFeedController() {
        feedController = new FeedController(newsRepository, "viewName");

    public void returnViewWithNews() {
        ModelAndView modelAndView = feedController.feed();
                .includes(entry(FeedController.NEWS_VIEW_KEY, newsList));

    public void returnViewWithLastUpdateTime() {

        ModelAndView modelAndView = feedController.feed();

                .includes(entry(FeedController.LAST_UPDATE_VIEW_KEY, LATTER_ENTRY_CREATION_DATE));

    public void returnTheBeginningOfTimeAsLastUpdateInViewWhenListIsEmpty() {
        given(newsRepository.fetchPublished()).willReturn(new ArrayList<News>());

        ModelAndView modelAndView = feedController.feed();

                .includes(entry(FeedController.LAST_UPDATE_VIEW_KEY, new Date(0)));
Notice: here, I'm using fest-assert and mockito. The dependencies are:

Step 5. write your very simple view
Here's where all the magic formatting happens. Be sure to take a look at all the methods of Entry class, as there is quite a lot you may want to use/fill.
import org.springframework.web.servlet.view.feed.AbstractAtomFeedView;

public class AtomFeedView extends AbstractAtomFeedView {
    private String feedId = "tag:yourFantastiSiteName";
    private String title = "yourFantastiSiteName: news";
    private String newsAbsoluteUrl = ""; 

    protected void buildFeedMetadata(Map<String, Object> model, Feed feed, HttpServletRequest request) {
        setUpdatedIfNeeded(model, feed);

    private void setUpdatedIfNeeded(Map<String, Object> model, Feed feed) {
        Date lastUpdate = (Date)model.get(FeedController.LAST_UPDATE_VIEW_KEY);
        if (feed.getUpdated() == null || lastUpdate != null || lastUpdate.compareTo(feed.getUpdated()) > 0) {

    protected List<Entry> buildFeedEntries(Map<String, Object> model, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
        List<News> newsList = (List<News>)model.get(FeedController.NEWS_VIEW_KEY);
        List<Entry> entries = new ArrayList<Entry>();
        for (News news : newsList) {
            addEntry(entries, news);
        return entries;

    private void addEntry(List<Entry> entries, News news) {
        Entry entry = new Entry();
        entry.setId(feedId + ", " + news.getId());
        entry = setSummary(news, entry);
        entry = setLink(news, entry);

    private Entry setSummary(News news, Entry entry) {
        Content summary = new Content();
        return entry;

    private Entry setLink(News news, Entry entry) {
        Link link = new Link();
        link.setHref(newsAbsoluteUrl + news.getId()); //because I have a different controller to show news at
        return entry;


Step 6. add your classes to your Spring context
I'm using xml approach. because I'm old and I love xml. No, seriously, I use xml because I may want to declare FeedController a few times with different views (RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, etc.).

So this is the forementioned spring-mvc.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

    <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.ContentNegotiatingViewResolver">
        <property name="mediaTypes">
                <entry key="atom" value="application/atom+xml"/>
                <entry key="html" value="text/html"/>
        <property name="viewResolvers">
                <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.BeanNameViewResolver"/>

    <bean class="eu.margiel.pages.confitura.feed.FeedController">
        <constructor-arg index="0" ref="newsRepository"/>
        <constructor-arg index="1" value="atomFeedView"/>

    <bean id="atomFeedView" class="eu.margiel.pages.confitura.feed.AtomFeedView"/>

And you are done.

I've been asked a few times before to put all the working code in some public repo, so this time it's the other way around. I've describe things that I had already published, and you can grab the commit from the bitbucket.

Hope that helps.