Warsjawa – hold your own workshop

Warsjava starts as soon as next month. This is your last chance to appear alongside Venkat Subramaniam – all you need to do is submit an interesting proposal of your own workshop (Call For Papers end on 12 September). Paweł Byszewski, Mateusz Kaczmarek and Dominik Przybysz from TouK have already taken this opportunity and joined the ranks of the speakers.

Warsjawa starts as soon as next month. This is your last chance to appear alongside Venkat Subramaniam – all you need to do is submit an interesting proposal of your own workshop (Call For Papers end on 12 September). Paweł Byszewski, Mateusz Kaczmarek and Dominik Przybysz from TouK have already taken this opportunity and joined the ranks of the speakers.

The conference has been noticeably growing. This year, it will be held on 26-27 September – two days are filled up with workshops run by practitioners. We are pleased to support Warsjawa once again as a sponsor of the event. However, we have not limited ourselves to this role. Huge thanks go to Michał Lewandowski, Krzysiek Siejkowski and Magda Żebrowska from TouK, who have been actively involved in the organization of this year’s event.

Registration is to begin on 12 September. Conferences organised by WJUG enjoy a great reputation not only owing to the lack of registration fees, but primarily due to their content and the fact that they offer an appreciable opportunity for sharing experiences. Tickets for last year’s Warsjawa – just like those for this year’s Confitura – sold out in no time. Do not miss out on this event!

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