TouK about Orient DB in Cairo and about Type Driven Development in Bergen

Last month Maciek Próchniak spoke at two noteworthy conferences: Java Developers Conference in Cairo and Booster Conference in Bergen.

Last month Maciek Próchniak spoke at two noteworthy conferences: 

Java Developers Conference in Cairo and Booster Conference in Bergen. Maciek was busy lately, so he didn’t have enough time to blog about his conference trips. But he gave me the privilege of writing on behalf of him. The Java Developers Conference took place on 8 and 9 of March in Cairo International Conference Center and brought together developers from the whole Arab world. Maciek’s talk is definitely worth mentioning. And not only because Maciek was one of few speakers that was neither from Egypt, nor from Big Corps like IBM or Oracle. It was interesting because of the topic – connecting OrientDB, which is interesting mix of document and graph databases and Scala which he believes is the next Big language of JVM. The second event, which Maciek took part in, was the Norwegian Booster Conference on 13 March in Bergen. Organizers decided to replace the traditional hour-long lectures with workshops and 10-minutes lightening talks. One of them about Type Driven Development was given by Maciek. The presentetion is available here:

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Theatre is coming – TouK with “Młyn” Art Foundation

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