Nagranie prezentacji Współpraca z klientem dostępne onlineCustomer Collaboration talk video online

Last week the recording of my talk “Customer Collaboration” from “Agile in Business” conference has finally been published online.

Tekst dostępny jedynie po angielsku tutaj.

Last week the recording of my talk “Customer Collaboration” from “Agile in Business” conference, that happened in Warsaw in December (here you can find my review of the conference), has finally been published online. (The presentation and the slides are in Polish.) The recording is a little shaky (it was recorded on a hand-held camera) but I believe it is good enough.

If you have any comments, you agree or disagree with my perspective on customer collaboration please comment below or send me a message.

This also is the founding date of TouKplTV, the YouTube channel for TouK. Time will show how much content will we publish. Still, if you are interested in what’s going on in TouK, follow us on Twitter or read our blog, subscribe to our YouTube channel as well.

One more thing to mention here is that we had surprisingly many problems trying to publish video and slides from the presentation in sync. The ultimate example of how this can be done is on InfoQ (where it works flawlessly) but I believe their solution is proprietary. We tried out a few tools and libraries (Flash or JavaScript based) and although in theory they should work we, had some kind of a problem with each of the ones we checked. If you did something like that and can recommend an open tool please leave us a comment below. What we eventually did was editing video and slides together, but that was quite time consuming and I’d love to have some simple, configurable solution (just pointing to youtubed video, slideshared deck and entering slide transition times).

I would like to thank Witek Wolejszo who recorded the talk as well as Julek Wielga who did extremely good job editing the video and the slide deck.

The picture used: "The clapperboard about to clap" -

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