Spring Boot 2.0 HTTP request metrics with Micrometer


Brand new Spring Boot 2.0 has just been released and TouKs couldn’t wait to try it in the production. One of the newly added features that we investigated was metrics system based on Micrometer library (https://micrometer.io/). In this post I will cover some of our experiences with this so far.

The goal was to get basic HTTP request metrics, report them to InfluxDB and draw some fancy graphs in Grafana. In particular we needed:

  • Throughput – total number of requests in given time unit
  • Response status statistics – how many 200-like and 500-like response occurred
  • Response time statistics: mean, median, percentiles

What was wrong with Dropwizard metrics

Nothing that I am aware of. Metrics Spring integration however is a different story….

Last stable release of Metrics Spring (v. 3.1.3) was in late 2015 and it was compatible with Dropwizard Metrics (v. 3.1.2). From this time Dropwizard Metrics moved to version 4 and 5, but Metrics Spring literally died. This causes a couple of rather unpleasant facts:

  • There are some known bugs that will never be solved
  • You can’t benefit from Dropwizard Metrics improvements
  • Sooner or later you will use a library that depends on a different version of Dropwizard Metrics and it will hurt

As an InfluxDB user I was also facing some problems with reporting tags. After a couple of tries we ended up using an obscure Graphite interface that was luckily compatible with Influx.

Let’s turn on the metrics

Adding metrics to your Spring Boot project can be done in three very simple steps. First add a dependency to micrometer-registry-xxx, where xxx is your favourite metrics storage. In our case:



Now it is time for just a little bit of configuration in application.yml:

        uri: http://localhost:8086
        db: services
        step: 5s  ### <- (1)


And a proper configuration bean:

@Configuration public class MetricsConfig {
    private static final Duration HISTOGRAM_EXPIRY = Duration.ofMinutes(10);
    private static final Duration STEP = Duration.ofSeconds(5);
    ("${host_id}") private String hostId;
    ("${service_id}") private String serviceId;
    public MeterRegistryCustomizer < MeterRegistry > metricsCommonTags() { // (2)
        return registry - > registry.config()
        .commonTags("host", hostId, "service", serviceId) // (3)
        .meterFilter(MeterFilter.deny(id - > { // (4)
                String uri = id.getTag("uri");
                return uri != null && uri.startsWith("/swagger");
            .meterFilter(new MeterFilter() {
                public DistributionStatisticConfig configure(Meter.Id id, DistributionStatisticConfig config) {
                    return config.merge(DistributionStatisticConfig.builder().percentilesHistogram(true).percentiles(0.5, 0.75, 0.95) // (5)
                    .expiry(HISTOGRAM_EXPIRY) // (6)
                    .bufferLength((int)(HISTOGRAM_EXPIRY.toMillis() / STEP.toMillis())) // (7)


Simple as that. For sure it is not the minimal working example, but I believe some of our ideas are worth mentioning.

Dive into configuration

Config is rather self-explanatory, but let’s take a look at couple of interesting features.

(1) Step defines how often data is sent by reporter. This value should be related to your expected traffic, because you don’t want to see 90% of zeros.

(2) Be aware that there can be many reporters sharing the same config. Customising each behaviour can be done by using more specific type parameter e.g. InfluxMeterRegistry.

(3) Tags that will be added to every metric. As you can see it’s very handy for identifying hosts in a cluster.

(4) Skipping not important endpoints will limit unwanted data.

(5) A list of percentiles you would like to track

(6)(7) Histograms are calculated for some defined time window where more recent values have bigger impact on final value. The bigger time window you choose, the more accurate statistics are, but the less sudden will be changes of percentile value in case of very big or very small response time. It is also very important to increase buffer length as you increase expiry time.


We believe that migrating to Micrometer is worth spending time as configuration and reporting becomes simpler. The only thing that surprised us was reporting rate of throughput and status counts rather than cumulative values. But this is another story to be told…

Special thanks to Arek Burdach for support.

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Private fields and methods are not private in groovy

I used to code in Java before I met groovy. Like most of you, groovy attracted me with many enhancements. This was to my surprise to discover that method visibility in groovy is handled different than Java!

Consider this example:

class Person {
private String name
public String surname

private Person() {}

private String signature() { "${name?.substring(0, 1)}. $surname" }

public String toString() { "I am $name $surname" }

How is this class interpreted with Java?

  1. Person has private constructor that cannot be accessed
  2. Field "name" is private and cannot be accessed
  3. Method signature() is private and cannot be accessed

Let's see how groovy interpretes Person:

public static void main(String[] args) {
def person = new Person() // constructor is private - compilation error in Java

person.@name = 'Mike' // access name field directly - compilation error in Java

person.name = 'John' // there is a setter generated by groovy

person.@surname = 'Foo' // access surname field directly

person.surname = 'Bar' // access auto-generated setter

println(person.signature()) // call private method - compilation error in Java

I was really astonished by its output:

I am null null
I am Mike null
I am John null
I am John Foo
I am John Bar
J. Bar

As you can see, groovy does not follow visibility directives at all! It treats them as non-existing. Code compiles and executes fine. It's contrary to Java. In Java this code has several errors, pointed out in comments.

I've searched a bit on this topic and it seems that this behaviour is known since version 1.1 and there is a bug report on that: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GROOVY-1875. It is not resolved even with groovy 2 release. As Tim Yates mentioned in this Stackoverflow question: "It's not clear if it is a bug or by design". Groovy treats visibility keywords as a hint for a programmer.

I need to keep that lesson in mind next time I want to make some field or method private!

JBoss Envers and Spring transaction managers

I've stumbled upon a bug with my configuration for JBoss Envers today, despite having integration tests all over the application. I have to admit, it casted a dark shadow of doubt about the value of all the tests for a moment. I've been practicing TDD since 2005, and frankly speaking, I should have been smarter than that.

My fault was simple. I've started using Envers the right way, with exploratory tests and a prototype. Then I've deleted the prototype and created some integration tests using in-memory H2 that looked more or less like this example:

public void savingAndUpdatingPersonShouldCreateTwoHistoricalVersions() {
    Person person = createAndSavePerson();
    String oldFirstName = person.getFirstName();
    String newFirstName = oldFirstName + "NEW";

    updatePersonWithNewName(person, newFirstName);

    verifyTwoHistoricalVersionsWereSaved(oldFirstName, newFirstName);

private Person createAndSavePerson() {
    Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
    Person person = PersonFactory.createPerson();
    return person;

private void updatePersonWithNewName(Person person, String newName) {
    Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();

private void verifyTwoHistoricalVersionsWereSaved(String oldFirstName, String newFirstName) {
    List<Object[]> personRevisions = getPersonRevisions();
    assertEquals(2, personRevisions.size());
    assertEquals(oldFirstName, ((Person)personRevisions.get(0)[0]).getFirstName());
    assertEquals(newFirstName, ((Person)personRevisions.get(1)[0]).getFirstName());

private List<Object[]> getPersonRevisions() {
    Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();
    AuditReader auditReader = AuditReaderFactory.get(session);
    List<Object[]> personRevisions = auditReader.createQuery()
            .forRevisionsOfEntity(Person.class, false, true)
    return personRevisions;

Because Envers inserts audit data when the transaction is commited (in a new temporary session), I thought I have to create and commit the transaction manually. And that is true to some point.

My fault was that I didn't have an end-to-end integration/acceptance test, that would call to entry point of the application (in this case a service which is called by GWT via RPC), because then I'd notice, that the Spring @Transactional annotation, and calling transaction.commit() are two, very different things.

Spring @Transactional annotation will use a transaction manager configured for the application. Envers on the other hand is used by subscribing a listener to hibernate's SessionFactory like this:

<bean id="sessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean" >        
 <property name="eventListeners">
     <map key-type="java.lang.String" value-type="org.hibernate.event.EventListeners">
         <entry key="post-insert" value-ref="auditEventListener"/>
         <entry key="post-update" value-ref="auditEventListener"/>
         <entry key="post-delete" value-ref="auditEventListener"/>
         <entry key="pre-collection-update" value-ref="auditEventListener"/>
         <entry key="pre-collection-remove" value-ref="auditEventListener"/>
         <entry key="post-collection-recreate" value-ref="auditEventListener"/>

<bean id="auditEventListener" class="org.hibernate.envers.event.AuditEventListener" />

Envers creates and collects something called AuditWorkUnits whenever you update/delete/insert audited entities, but audit tables are not populated until something calls AuditProcess.beforeCompletion, which makes sense. If you are using org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction manually, this is called on commit() when notifying all subscribed javax.transaction.Synchronization objects (and enver's AuditProcess is one of them).

The problem was, that I used a wrong transaction manager.

<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager" >
    <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/>

This transaction manager doesn't know anything about hibernate and doesn't use org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction. While Synchronization is an interface from javax.transaction package, DataSourceTransactionManager doesn't use it (maybe because of simplicity, I didn't dig deep enough in org.springframework.jdbc.datasource), and thus Envers works fine except not pushing the data to the database.

Which is the whole point of using Envers.

Use right tools for the task, they say. The whole problem is solved by using a transaction manager that is well aware of hibernate underneath.

<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager" >
    <property name="sessionFactory" ref="sessionFactory"/>

Lesson learned: always make sure your acceptance tests are testing the right thing. If there is a doubt about the value of your tests, you just don't have enough of them,