Hello 33rd Degree Conference

Hello everybody! We’ve just arrived to Kraków (actually the last part of our team have, because some people came already at the weekend). Our stand at the 33rd Degree Conference, in a big tent next the Multikono, is ready.

Hello everybody! We’ve just arrived to Kraków (actually the last part of our team have, because some people came already at the weekend). Our stand at the 33rd Degree Conference, in a big tent next the Multikino, is ready.


We’re waiting for you with job offers, comfortable deckchairs in chillout zone and… a competition. So just come, take a sit and solve our crossword to enter today’s prize draw. Everyday during afternoon brake, exactly at 3:55 p.m. we draw:

  • access to an online course at lynda.com
  • tickets for „Naga Praga” – the newest Młyn Theater production (Młyn is one of the best alternative theater in Warsaw and we have a great pelasure to be a patron of it!)
  • Dependency Injection coffee boxes:)
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