Our people at DevCrowd and JEEConf

No plans for the Saturday? What about a short trip to Szczecin? Mateusz Kaczmarek from TouK will share some tips with you how to design a good user interface.

No plans for the Saturday? What about a short trip to Szczecin? Mateusz Kaczmarek from TouK will share some tips with you how to design a good user interface.

The full subject of the speech is Good design makes us happy – take the decision for me. It starts at 10:30 a.m. DevCrowd, West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin, Faculty of Information Technology, Żołnierska 52 St.

That’s not the end of invitations that we’ve preapered for you today. On 23rd May at JEEConf in Kiev Maciej Próchniak will present Type Driven Development. We strongly recommend both of the lectures. Want to stay up to date with TouK’s presentations? Visit our calendar.

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JDay 2014 in Lviv sponsored by TouK

We're glad to announce that our company supports as a gold sponsor the JDay conference taking place in Ukraine on the 6th of September. Maciek Próchniak and Bartek Zdanowski from TouK will give thair presentations during the event.