Testing Kotlin with Spock Part 3 – Interface default method

Kotlin allows you to put method implementation in an interface. The same mechanism can be found in Java interfaces as default methods (and also Groovy or Scala traits). Let’s see the difference between the Kotlin and Java default methods in interface by testing it with Groovy and Spock.

What do we want to test?

We often have an interface for access object from the database. In domain, they might look similar to this KotlinOrderRepository:

interface KotlinOrderRepository {
    fun save(order: Order)

    fun find(orderId: OrderId): Order?

    fun get(orderId: OrderId): Order =
            find(orderId) ?: throw NotFound()

How to fake it with Groovy?

When we want to use such interface in tests, we can, of course, mock it. However, it is far better to fake repositories with a simple, in-memory implementation. Let’s create FakeKotlinOrderRepository in Groovy:

class FakeKotlinOrderRepository implements KotlinOrderRepository {
    private Map<OrderId, Order> data = [:]

    void save(Order order) {
        data[order.id] = order

    Order find(OrderId orderId) {
        return data[orderId]

Unfortunately, this causes a compilation error

/testing-kotlin-in-spock/src/test/groovy/com/github/alien11689/testingkotlinwithspock/defaultmethod/FakeKotlinOrderRepository.groovy: 3: Can't have an abstract method in a non-abstract class. The class 'com.github.alien11689.testingkotlinwithspock.defaultmethod.FakeKotlinOrderRepository' must be declared abstract or the method 'com.github.alien11689.testingkotlinwithspock.defaultmethod.Order get(com.github.alien11689.testingkotlinwithspock.defaultmethod.OrderId)' must be implemented.
 @ line 3, column 1.
   class FakeKotlinOrderRepository implements KotlinOrderRepository {

1 error

The compiler doesn’t see the implementation of the get method in the Kotlin interface. We have to use some magic to make it work in groovy.


To solve the problem, let’s look into the generated classes:

$ ls build/classes/main/com/github/alien11689/testingkotlinwithspock/defaultmethod/

The KotlinOrderRepository$DefaultImpls class is the one we’re looking for as we can use it in Groovy to implement the missing operation.

class FakeKotlinOrderRepository implements KotlinOrderRepository {

    // ...

    Order get(OrderId orderId) {
        return KotlinOrderRepository.DefaultImpls.get(this, orderId)

Now the code compiles and tests pass:

class KotlinRepositoryWithDefaultMethodTest extends Specification {
    OrderId orderId = new OrderId(UUID.randomUUID() as String)
    Order order = new Order(orderId, 'data')
    KotlinOrderRepository kotlinOrderRepository = new FakeKotlinOrderRepository()

    def 'should get order from kotlin repository'() {
            kotlinOrderRepository.get(orderId) == order

    def 'should throw NotFound when order does not exist in kotlin repository'() {

Is there the same problem with Java?

Let’s have a quick look at how this works with Java interfaces. If we write a similar repository in Java:

public interface JavaOrderRepository {
    void save(Order order);

    Optional<Order> find(OrderId orderId);

    default Order get(OrderId orderId) {
        return find(orderId).orElseThrow(NotFound::new);

and create a fake implementation in Groovy:

class FakeJavaOrderRepository implements JavaOrderRepository {
    private Map<OrderId, Order> data = [:]

    void save(Order order) {
        data[order.id] = order

    Optional<Order> find(OrderId orderId) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(data[orderId])

there is no compilation error and the tests pass:

class JavaRepositoryWithDefaultMethodTest extends Specification {
    OrderId orderId = new OrderId(UUID.randomUUID() as String)
    Order order = new Order(orderId, 'data')
    JavaOrderRepository javaOrderRepository = new FakeJavaOrderRepository()

    def 'should get order from java repository'() {
            javaOrderRepository.get(orderId) == order

    def 'should throw NotFound when order does not exist in java repository'() {

Groovy can implement Java interfaces with the default methods without any problems.

Show me the code

Code is available here.

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Spock, Java and Maven

Few months ago I've came across Groovy - powerful language for JVM platform which combines the power of Java with abilities typical for scripting languages (dynamic typing, metaprogramming).

Together with Groovy I've discovered spock framework (https://code.google.com/p/spock/) - specification framework for Groovy (of course you can test Java classes too!). But spock is not only test/specification framework - it also contains powerful mocking tools.

Even though spock is dedicated for Groovy there is no problem with using it for Java classes tests. In this post I'm going to describe how to configure Maven project to build and run spock specifications together with traditional JUnit tests.

Firstly, we need to prepare pom.xml and add necessary dependencies and plugins.

Two obligatory libraries are:
Where groovy.version is property defined in pom.xml for more convenient use and easy version change, just like this:

I've added property for gmaven-plugin version for the same reason ;)

Besides these two dependencies, we can use few additional ones providing extra functionality:
  • cglib - for class mocking
  • objenesis - enables mocking classes without default constructor
To add them to the project put these lines in <dependencies> section of pom.xml:

And that's all for dependencies section. Now we will focus on plugins necessary to compile Groovy classes. We need to add gmaven-plugin with gmaven-runtime-2.0 dependency in plugins section:

With these configuration we can use spock and write our first specifications. But there is one issue: default settings for maven-surefire plugin demand that test classes must end with "..Test" postfix, which is ok when we want to use such naming scheme for our spock tests. But if we want to name them like CommentSpec.groovy or whatever with "..Spec" ending (what in my opinion is much more readable) we need to make little change in surefire plugin configuration:

As you can see there is a little trick ;) We add include directive for standard Java JUnit test ending with "..Test" postfix, but there is also an entry for spock test ending with "..Spec". And there is a trick: we must write "**/*Spec.java", not "**/*Spec.groovy", otherwise Maven will not run spock tests (which is strange and I've spent some time to figure out why Maven can't run my specs).

Little update: instead of "*.java" postfix for both types of tests we can write "*.class" what is in my opinion more readable and clean:
(thanks to Tomek Pęksa for pointing this out!)

With such configuration, we can write either traditional JUnit test and put them in src/test/java directory or groovy spock specifications and place them in src/test/groovy. And both will work together just fine :) In one of my next posts I'll write something about using spock and its mocking abilities in practice, so stay in tune.