Thanks for visiting TouK stand at the 33rd Degree Conference

We haven’t told you yet that 85 developers managed to solve task we prepared for our contest. Six of those who were able to hack our application, went home with Raspberry Pi. Congratulations for all of you! By the way we want to thank you for all nice conversations and showing interest in our company and job offers.

We haven’t told you yet that 85 developers managed to solve task we prepared for our contest. Six of those who were able to hack our application, went home with Raspberry Pi. Congratulations for all of you! By the way we want to thank you for all nice conversations and showing interest in our company and job offers.

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Dziękujemy za twitowanie na dobroczynny celThanks for tweeting 4 charity

Zakończyliśmy akcję „Twit Vendors for charity” – dziękujemy, że się przyłączyliście! Razem przekazaliśmy 1000 PLN na fundusz konferencji 33rd Degree 4 charity. W sumie podczas imprezy zebrane zostało14059,54 PLN, które powędruje do potrzebujących.Our action „Twit Vendors 4 charity” is over – thank you for being a part of it! Together we donated a total of 1000 PLN to the 33rd Degree 4 charity conference. All the donations made during the event raised 14059,54 PLN for people in need.