Rozdajemy Raspberry Pi podczas 33rd DegreeRaspberry Pi to give away at 33rd Degree Conference

Zapraszaliśmy Was już do odwiedzenia stoiska TouK podczas konferencji 33rd Degree i wzięcia udziału w konkursie. Pora powiedzieć, dlaczego warto to zrobić.We’ve already invited you to visit our stand during 33rd Degree Conference and to take part in our contest. It’s time to tell you, why it’s worth to do it.

Zapraszaliśmy Was już do odwiedzenia stoiska TouK podczas konferencji 33rd Degree i wzięcia udziału w konkursie.  Pora powiedzieć, dlaczego warto to zrobić.

Nasz konkurs to konkurs hakerski i gra terenowa w jednym. Oprócz dobrej zabawy macie szansę na powrót do domu z własnym Raspberry Pi. Więc szukajcie piórek TouK, żeby wejść do gry!

Do zobaczenia w środę!We’ve already invited you to visit our stand during 33rd Degree Conference and to take part in our contest. It’s time to tell you, why it’s worth to do it.

Our contest is a hacker competition and a field game in one. Apart from a lot of fun you have a chance to come home with your own Raspberry Pi. So look for TouK’s feathers to enter the game!

See you on Wednesdey!

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After WHUG meeting

Here are the slides from the talk a gave yesterday. If you have any questions, please ask. Here are the slides from the talk a gave yesterday. If you have any questions, please ask.