Easy firing click event from code in GWT

Firing native events in GWT can be a real pain. If you need to fire a click event when the user press ENTER (or any other key that you want to work like CLICK) on any custom-made element, theoretically you should use:

*DomEvent.fireNativeEvent(com.google.gwt.dom.client.NativeEvent, com.google.gwt.event.shared.HasHandlers) * Minimal code (without required parameters) linked with this approach: NativeEvent event = Document.get().createChangeEvent();
DomEvent.fireNativeEvent(event, this);
public final NativeEvent createClickEvent(int detail, int screenX, int screenY, int clientX, int clientY, boolean ctrlKey, boolean altKey, boolean shiftKey, boolean metaKey) This is the place where native JSNI approach is much more clearer: public static native void click(Element element)/*-{

This approach is very useful for custom made buttons that for some reason can not extend basic Button class. In any other case try not to simulate “user actions” in your handlers. Launch designated business methods instead.

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Distributed scans with HBase

HBase is by design a columnar store, that is optimized for random reads. You just ask for a row using rowId as an identifier and you get your data instantaneously. Performing a scan on part or whole table is a completely different thing. First of all, it is sequential. Meaning it is rather slow, because it doesn't use all the RegionServers at the same time. It is implemented that way to realize the contract of Scan command - which has to return results sorted by key. So, how to do this efficiently?HBase is by design a columnar store, that is optimized for random reads. You just ask for a row using rowId as an identifier and you get your data instantaneously. Performing a scan on part or whole table is a completely different thing. First of all, it is sequential. Meaning it is rather slow, because it doesn't use all the RegionServers at the same time. It is implemented that way to realize the contract of Scan command - which has to return results sorted by key. So, how to do this efficiently?