How to create a native Java App

Recently, I stumbled upon JCGO, an interesting project, which translates Java 1.4 code into C.
In this article, I show how to create a native Windows app out of a small Java app.

The Java app I will use is NetCat ( You can download precompiled executable, netcat.exe, from

So the first step is to download all dependencies. I will use MinGW, MinGW GCC, jcgo-lib-1_14.tar.gz, jcgo-src-1_14.tar.bz2, classpath-0.93 ( and Java sources for the app with dependent libraries:, commons cli 1.2 ( You need to put all this in the same directory, so it’ll have structure like this:


Then, you need to run Java to C translator by using command:

jcgo.exe -sourcepath netcat/src -sourcepath commons-cli-1.2-src/src/java netcat.NetCat -d out


Analysis pass...

Output pass...

Writing class tables...
Creating main file...
Parsed: 293 java files (2699 KiB). Analyzed: 3067 methods.
Produced: 640 c/h files (3769 KiB).
Contains: 1490 java methods, 4119 normal and 288 indirect calls.
Done conversion in 1 seconds. Total heap size: 36572 KiB.
Next step is to compile it into final executable. Following command does this:
gcc -DJCGO_INET -DJCGO_NOFP -DJCGO_WIN32 -DJCGO_THREADS -I src/include/ -I src/include/boehmgc/ -I src/native/ out/Main.c -o netcat.exe libs/x86/mingw/libgcmt.a -lws2_32
I used some switches, which are suitable for this particular app. For example, by default JCGO doesn’t use multithreading or networking. This has to be enabled explicitly. 
And that’s it. Now you can try out the app by calling, like this:
$ netcat.exe -p 80
Connecting to port 80
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<A HREF="">here</A>.

I like the approach of translating Java code into C, because compared to other tools, which generate C++ code, this is more suitable for embedded devices. For example it is possible to generate code for iOS, because Objective C is a superset of C.

One feature I would like to see though is to be able to use reference counting instead of full gc. This is because one of the advantages of C over Java is that it doesn’t have GC hangs. So then the programmer would have to make sure there’s no cycles in orphaned object structure.

Update: Ivan Maidansky, an author of JCGO, has put some interesting comments regarding this article. In particular, he is aware of some apps in Apple Store, which do this kind of translation. Also, reference counting is discouraged due to multithreading issues. These comments can be found here:

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