There were two workshops going on through the day, one about JEE6 and another about parallel programming in Java. I was considering both, but decided to go for presentations instead. Being on the Spring side of the force, I know just as much JEE as I need, and with fantastic GPars (which has Fork/Join, actors, STM , and much more), I won’t need to go back to Java concurrency for a while.
GEB – Very Groovy browser automation
Luke Daley works for Gradleware, and apart from being cheerful Australian, he’s a commiter to Grails, Spock and a guy behind Geb, a browser automation lib using WebDriver, similar to Selenium a bit (though without IDE and other features).
I have to admit, there was a time where I really hated Selenium. It just felt so wrong to be writing tests that way, slow, unproductive and against the beauty of TDD. For years I’ve been treating frontend as a completely different animal. Uncle Bob once said at a Ruby conference: “I’ll tell you what my solution to frontend tests is: I just don’t”. But then, you can only go so far with complex GUIs without tests, and once I’ve started working with Wicket and its test framework, my perspective changed. If Wicked has one thing done right, it’s the frontend testing framework. Sure tests are slow, on par with integration tests, but it is way better than anything where the browser has to start up front, and I could finally do TDD with it.
Working with Grails lately, I was more than eager to learn a proper way to do these kind of tests with Groovy.
GEB looks great. You build your own API for every page you have, using CSS selectors, very similar to jQuery, and then write your tests using your own DSL. Sounds a bit complicated, but assuming you are not doing simple HTML pages, this is probably the way to go fast. I’d have to verify that on a project though, since with frontend, too many things look good on paper and than fall out in code.
The presentation was great, Luke managed to answer all the questions and get people interested. On a side note, WebDriver may become a W3C standard soon, which would really easy browser manipulation for us. Apart from thing I expected Geb to have, there are some nice surprises like working with remote browsers (e.g. IE on remote machine), dumping HTML at the end of the test and even making screenshots (assuming you are not working with headless browser).
Micro services – Java, the Unix Way
And that really works. With TDD, DDD, CQRS I can build things which are larger in terms of features, and simpler in terms of complexity. After discovering and understanding the methods (XP, Scrum/Kanbad) my next mental shift came with Domain Driven Design. I’ve learned the building block, the ideas and the main concept of Bounded Contexts. And that you can and should use a different architecture/tools for each of them, simplifying the code with the usage patterns of that specific context in your ming.
Concurrency without Pain in Pure Java
Smarter Testing with Spock
What’s new in Groovy 2.0?
Scala for the Intrigued
BOF: Beautiful failures
If you want the slides, you can find them here.
You can find my review from the last day in here.