How to run multiple guest OS in QEMU?

This weekend I’ve been fiddling with

QEMU. I’ve installed OpenBSD on a single image and wanted to have two instances of it communicating via network. Installing the system was easy, but the networking setup was quite a pain. See how I did that… To make QEMU instances communicate with each other I needed to plug them to a “network”. That’s why I’ve created a bridge to which Virtual Instances would connect to.

I’ve used the following script:

# 1st, release all DHCP address and remove all IP address associated
# with the original eth0
#/sbin/dhcpcd -k
kill pidof dhclient
/sbin/ip addr flush eth0
# then take the interface down so we can rename it
/sbin/ip link set eth0 down
# now rename the original eth0 to reth0 (Real ETH0)
nameif reth0 00:24:81:43:61:5b
# OK, bring the same interface (with new name though) back up
/sbin/ip link set reth0 up
# 2nd let's create a bridge called eth0 so other programs think they are
# talking to the same old interface (actually they will talk to the
# bridge which is a clone of the original eth0 - with name MAC addr)
/usr/sbin/brctl addbr eth0
# then add both origianl eth0 and tap1 device to the bridge
/sbin/brctl addif eth0 tap1
/usr/sbin/brctl addif eth0 reth0
echo "showing bridge mac addresses"
/usr/sbin/brctl showmacs eth0
# 3rd, we need to bring the newly created bridge UP
/sbin/ip link set eth0 up
# 4th, renew the DHCP address if possible
#/sbin/dhcpcd -n
dhclient eth0
/sbin/ip addr show

Then I just needed to start Qemu with this command line:

sudo qemu openbsd-4.7.img  -net tap -net nic,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:57,model=ne2k_pci

Since I’ve set up bridge for Qemu instances, I’ve plugged TAP interfaces into it. That’s why I’ve needed to specify this in my qemu exec line. I’ve also added macaddress setting since both my instances were getting the same one. And that’s all! It works like a charm. Now on to some harder things!

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Spock, Java and Maven

Few months ago I've came across Groovy - powerful language for JVM platform which combines the power of Java with abilities typical for scripting languages (dynamic typing, metaprogramming).

Together with Groovy I've discovered spock framework ( - specification framework for Groovy (of course you can test Java classes too!). But spock is not only test/specification framework - it also contains powerful mocking tools.

Even though spock is dedicated for Groovy there is no problem with using it for Java classes tests. In this post I'm going to describe how to configure Maven project to build and run spock specifications together with traditional JUnit tests.

Firstly, we need to prepare pom.xml and add necessary dependencies and plugins.

Two obligatory libraries are:
Where groovy.version is property defined in pom.xml for more convenient use and easy version change, just like this:

I've added property for gmaven-plugin version for the same reason ;)

Besides these two dependencies, we can use few additional ones providing extra functionality:
  • cglib - for class mocking
  • objenesis - enables mocking classes without default constructor
To add them to the project put these lines in <dependencies> section of pom.xml:

And that's all for dependencies section. Now we will focus on plugins necessary to compile Groovy classes. We need to add gmaven-plugin with gmaven-runtime-2.0 dependency in plugins section:

With these configuration we can use spock and write our first specifications. But there is one issue: default settings for maven-surefire plugin demand that test classes must end with "..Test" postfix, which is ok when we want to use such naming scheme for our spock tests. But if we want to name them like CommentSpec.groovy or whatever with "..Spec" ending (what in my opinion is much more readable) we need to make little change in surefire plugin configuration:

As you can see there is a little trick ;) We add include directive for standard Java JUnit test ending with "..Test" postfix, but there is also an entry for spock test ending with "..Spec". And there is a trick: we must write "**/*", not "**/*Spec.groovy", otherwise Maven will not run spock tests (which is strange and I've spent some time to figure out why Maven can't run my specs).

Little update: instead of "*.java" postfix for both types of tests we can write "*.class" what is in my opinion more readable and clean:
(thanks to Tomek Pęksa for pointing this out!)

With such configuration, we can write either traditional JUnit test and put them in src/test/java directory or groovy spock specifications and place them in src/test/groovy. And both will work together just fine :) In one of my next posts I'll write something about using spock and its mocking abilities in practice, so stay in tune.

Sample for lift-ng: Micro-burn 1.0.0 released

During a last few evenings in my free time I've worked on mini-application called micro-burn. The idea of it appear from work with Agile Jira in our commercial project. This is a great tool for agile projects management. It has inline tasks edition, drag & drop board, reports and many more, but it also have a few drawbacks that turn down our team motivation.


From time to time our sprints scope is changing. It is not a big deal because we are trying to be agile :-) but Jira's burndowchart in this situation draw a peek. Because in fact that chart shows scope changes not a real burndown. It means, that chart cannot break down an x-axis if we really do more than we were planned – it always stop on at most zero.

Also for better progress monitoring we've started to split our user stories to technical tasks and estimating them. Original burndowchart doesn't show points from technical tasks. I can find motivation of this – user story almost finished isn't finished at all until user can use it. But in the other hand, if we know which tasks is problematic we can do some teamwork to move it on.

So I realize that it is a good opportunity to try some new approaches and tools.


I've started with lift framework. In the World of Single Page Applications, this framework has more than simple interface for serving REST services. It comes with awesome Comet support. Comet is a replacement for WebSockets that run on all browsers. It supports long polling and transparent fallback to short polling if limit of client connections exceed. In backend you can handle pushes in CometActor. For further reading take a look at Roundtrip promises

But lift framework is also a kind of framework of frameworks. You can handle own abstraction of CometActors and push to client javascript that shorten up your way from server to client. So it was the trigger for author of lift-ng to make a lift with Angular integration that is build on top of lift. It provides AngularActors from which you can emit/broadcast events to scope of controller. NgModelBinders that synchronize your backend model with client scope in a few lines! I've used them to send project state (all sprints and thier details) to client and notify him about scrum board changes. My actor doing all of this hard work looks pretty small:

Lift-ng also provides factories for creating of Angular services. Services could respond with futures that are transformed to Angular promises in-fly. This is all what was need to serve sprint history:

And on the client side - use of service:

In my opinion this two frameworks gives a huge boost in developing of web applications. You have the power of strongly typing with Scala, you can design your domain on Actors and all of this with simplicity of node.js – lack of json trasforming boilerplate and dynamic application reload.

DDD + Event Sourcing

I've also tried a few fresh approaches to DDD. I've organize domain objects in actors. There are SprintActors with encapsulate sprint aggregate root. Task changes are stored as events which are computed as a difference between two boards states. When it should be provided a history of sprint, next board states are computed from initial state and sequence of events. So I realize that the best way to keep this kind of event sourcing approach tested is to make random tests. This is a test doing random changes at board, calculating events and checking if initial state + events is equals to previously created state:

First look

Screenshot of first version:

If you want to look at this closer, check the source code or download ready to run fatjar on github.During a last few evenings in my free time I've worked on mini-application called micro-burn. The idea of it appear from work with Agile Jira in our commercial project. This is a great tool for agile projects management. It has inline tasks edition, drag & drop board, reports and many more, but it also have a few drawbacks that turn down our team motivation.