import z bazy z błędnym kodowaniem

Ostatnio musiałem importować dane z bazy danych z kodowaniem w której zachodnioeuropejskiego w której były przechowywane polskie znaki. Było z tym trochę problemów, więc opiszę rozwiązanie

Zagadnienie Baza A – źródłowa, u klienta. Kodowanie zachodnioeuropejskie WE8DEC. Przechowywane są w niej jednak polskie znaki w kodowaniu EE8ISO8859P2 czyli ISO-8859-2. Takie kodowanie stosuje klient bazy. Oracle pozwala na takie kombinacje. Miałem kiedyś do czynienia z bazą danych w kodowaniu US7ASCII, która też przechowywała polskie znaki, mimo że to kodowanie zawiera tylko na znaki do kodu 127 a więc bez narodowych. Można zapisywać lub odczytywać dane z poziomu klienta tak aby konwersje nie miały miejsca – dzięki temu obce kodowanie nie przeszkadza. Problem pojawił się przy dostępie przez DB linki, ale o tym za chwilę. Baza B – docelowa, u nas. Optymalne kodowanie AL32UTF8 pozwalające przechowywać wszystkie znaki łącznie ze wschodnioazjatyckimi.

Próba rozwiązania Pierwsza próba importu polegała na wykonaniu insert into /tabela z B/ select … from /tabela z A/. Przy takiej operacji Oracle robił konwersję znaków z kodowania zachodnioeuropejskiego na unicode. W efekcie otrzymywaliśmy “krzaczki”, ale były to różne “krzaczki”, tak się przynajmniej na początkowo wydawało. Skoro literka Ą ma w kodowaniu ISO 8859-2 kod 0xA1 a pod tym kodem w ISO 8859-1 widnieje znak ¡, więc importował się np. ZWI¡ZEK. Wydawało się, że wystarczy tylko dopisać funkcję konwertującą odpowiedni “krzaczek” na odpowieni polski znak i będzie po kłopocie. Okazało się jednak, że literki Ś i Ż konwertują się na ten sam symbol � oznaczający nieznany znak. Rozwiązanie Pojawił się pomysł, aby funkcją utl_raw.cast_to_raw skonwertować oryginalny VARCHAR2 z systemu A na tym RAW, potem zaimportować do B i tam funkcją utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2 przekształcić z RAW na VARCHAR2 omijając po drodze konwersję. Okazało się jednak, że podczas odwoływania się z B do A poprzez dblink konwersja następuje przed wywołaniem  utl_raw.cast_to_raw i to mimo wymuszenia, aby funkcja się wykonywała na zdalnym serwerze. Konieczne okazało się utworzenie na A widoków zwracających wynik operacji utl_raw.cast_to_raw na polach z polskimi znakami. Dzięki temu poprzez dblink importowane są z A do B tablice bajtów typu RAW. Potem można w B przekonwertować wpis z RAW do VARCHAR2, ale najpierw trzeba przekształcić odebraną tablicę bajtów aby tekst zapisany w niej w kodowaniu EE8ISO8859P2 został przekształcony na tekst zapisany w kodowaniu bazy B – AL32UTF8. Polecenie wygląda więc następująco utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(utl_raw.convert(kolumna_z_polskimi_znakami, ‘AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8’, ‘AMERICAN_AMERICA.EE8ISO8859P2’)) i rozwiązało problem konwersji.

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Super Confitura Man

How Super Confitura Man came to be :)

Recently at TouK we had a one-day hackathon. There was no main theme for it, you just could post a project idea, gather people around it and hack on that idea for a whole day - drinks and pizza included.

My main idea was to create something that could be fun to build and be useful somehow to others. I’d figured out that since Confitura was just around a corner I could make a game, that would be playable at TouK’s booth at the conference venue. This idea seemed good enough to attract Rafał Nowak @RNowak3 and Marcin Jasion @marcinjasion - two TouK employees, that with me formed a team for the hackathon.

Confitura 01

The initial plan was to develop a simple mario-style game, with preceduraly generated levels, random collectible items and enemies. One of the ideas was to introduce Confitura Man as the main character, but due to time constraints, this fall through. We’ve decided to just choose a random available sprite for a character - hence the onion man :)

Confitura 02

How the game is played?

Since we wanted to have a scoreboard and have unique users, we’ve printed out QR codes. A person that would like to play the game could pick up a QR code, show it against a camera attached to the play booth. The start page scanned the QR code and launched the game with username read from paper code.

The rest of the game was playable with gamepad or keyboard.

Confitura game screen


Writing a game takes a lot of time and effort. We wanted to deliver, so we’ve decided to spend some time in the days before the hackathon just to bootstrap the technology stack of our enterprise.

We’ve decided that the game would be written in some Javascript based engine, with Google Chrome as a web platform. There are a lot of HTML5 game engines - list of html5 game engines and you could easily create a game with each and every of them. We’ve decided to use Phaser IO which handles a lot of difficult, game-related stuff on its own. So, we didn’t have to worry about physics, loading and storing assets, animations, object collisions, controls input/output. Go see for yourself, it is really nice and easy to use.

Scoreboard would be a rip-off from JIRA Survivor with stats being served from some web server app. To make things harder, the backend server was written in Clojure. With no experience in that language in the team, it was a bit risky, but the tasks of the server were trivial, so if all that clojure effort failed, it could be rewritten in something we know.


During the whole Confitura day there were 69 unique players (69 QR codes were used), and 1237 games were played. The final score looked like this:

  1. Barister Lingerie 158 - 1450 points
  2. Boilerdang Custardbath 386 - 1060 points
  3. Benadryl Clarytin 306 - 870 points

And the obligatory scoreboard screenshot:

Confitura 03


The game, being created in just one day, had to have problems :) It wasn’t play tested enough, there were some rough edges. During the day we had to make a few fixes:

  • the server did not respect the highest score by specific user, it was just overwritting a user’s score with it’s latest one,
  • there was one feature not supported on keyboard, that was available on gamepad - turbo button
  • server was opening a database connection each time it got a request, so after around 5 minutes it would exhaust open file limit for MongoDB (backend database), this was easily fixed - thou the fix is a bit hackish :)

These were easily identified and fixed. Unfortunately there were issues that we were unable to fix while the event was on:

  • google chrome kept asking for the permission to use webcam - this was very annoying, and all the info found on the web did not work - StackOverflow thread
  • it was hard to start the game with QR code - either the codes were too small, or the lighting around that area was inappropriate - I think this issue could be fixed by printing larger codes,

Technology evaluation

All in all we were pretty happy with the chosen stack. Phaser was easy to use and left us with just the fun parts of the game creation process. Finding the right graphics with appropriate licensing was rather hard. We didn’t have enough time to polish all the visual aspects of the game before Confitura.

Writing a server in clojure was the most challenging part, with all the new syntax and new libraries. There were tasks, trivial in java/scala, but hard in Clojure - at least for a whimpy beginners :) Nevertheless Clojure seems like a really handy tool and I’d like to dive deeper into its ecosystem.

Source code

All of the sources for the game can be found here TouK/confitura-man.

The repository is split into two parts:

  • game - HTML5 game
  • server - clojure based backend server

To run the server you need to have a local MongoDB installation. Than in server’s directory run: $ lein ring server-headless This will start a server on http://localhost:3000

To run the game you need to install dependencies with bower and than run $ grunt from game’s directory.

To launch the QR reading part of the game, you enter http://localhost:9000/start.html. After scanning the code you’ll be redirected to http://localhost:9000/index.html - and the game starts.


Summing up, it was a great experience creating the game. It was fun to watch people playing the game. And even with all those glitches and stupid graphics, there were people vigorously playing it, which was awesome.

Thanks to Rafał and Michał for great coding experience, and thanks to all the players of our stupid little game. If you’d like to ask me about anything - feel free to contact me by mail or twitter @zygm0nt

Recently at TouK we had a one-day hackathon. There was no main theme for it, you just could post a project idea, gather people around it and hack on that idea for a whole day - drinks and pizza included.

My main idea was to create something that could be fun to build and be useful somehow to others. I’d figured out that since Confitura was just around a corner I could make a game, that would be playable at TouK’s booth at the conference venue. This idea seemed good enough to attract >Conclusion