Windows 7 – problem with login to your web application

Have you ever experienced problem with login to your web application that uses JCIFS NtlmHttpFilter ? Does the problem occurs on new Windows platforms (Windows 7 or Vista) and all is fine on Windows Xp ? Finally, why some user with theoretically same system have this problem while other do not report any difficulties ? Technically the answer to your problem is

here. But does it practically means that you will have to rebuild whole authentication process and start using NTLMv2 ? The answer is: it would be a good thing to do ! But if your application is pretty old, problem is selective and only handful of users report authentication problem and finally there is no time and money on the horizon… well I suppose we can think of small workaround. First solution is pure client side workaround. Force client Windows to use old NTLMv1 with below registry change: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa Set LmCompatibilityLevel (DWORD) to “1” Second solution. Small application change. Modify your NtlmHttpFilter config (web.xml):


Although first solution is bullet proof and 100% working it is not very convenient client OS modification. Use it only if second solution fails.

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Distributed scans with HBase

HBase is by design a columnar store, that is optimized for random reads. You just ask for a row using rowId as an identifier and you get your data instantaneously. Performing a scan on part or whole table is a completely different thing. First of all, it is sequential. Meaning it is rather slow, because it doesn't use all the RegionServers at the same time. It is implemented that way to realize the contract of Scan command - which has to return results sorted by key. So, how to do this efficiently?HBase is by design a columnar store, that is optimized for random reads. You just ask for a row using rowId as an identifier and you get your data instantaneously. Performing a scan on part or whole table is a completely different thing. First of all, it is sequential. Meaning it is rather slow, because it doesn't use all the RegionServers at the same time. It is implemented that way to realize the contract of Scan command - which has to return results sorted by key. So, how to do this efficiently?