Windows 7 – problem with login to your web application

Have you ever experienced problem with login to your web application that uses JCIFS NtlmHttpFilter ? Does the problem occurs on new Windows platforms (Windows 7 or Vista) and all is fine on Windows Xp ? Finally, why some user with theoretically same system have this problem while other do not report any difficulties ? Technically the answer to your problem is

here. But does it practically means that you will have to rebuild whole authentication process and start using NTLMv2 ? The answer is: it would be a good thing to do ! But if your application is pretty old, problem is selective and only handful of users report authentication problem and finally there is no time and money on the horizon… well I suppose we can think of small workaround. First solution is pure client side workaround. Force client Windows to use old NTLMv1 with below registry change: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa Set LmCompatibilityLevel (DWORD) to “1” Second solution. Small application change. Modify your NtlmHttpFilter config (web.xml):


Although first solution is bullet proof and 100% working it is not very convenient client OS modification. Use it only if second solution fails.

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Private fields and methods are not private in groovy

I used to code in Java before I met groovy. Like most of you, groovy attracted me with many enhancements. This was to my surprise to discover that method visibility in groovy is handled different than Java!

Consider this example:

class Person {
private String name
public String surname

private Person() {}

private String signature() { "${name?.substring(0, 1)}. $surname" }

public String toString() { "I am $name $surname" }

How is this class interpreted with Java?

  1. Person has private constructor that cannot be accessed
  2. Field "name" is private and cannot be accessed
  3. Method signature() is private and cannot be accessed

Let's see how groovy interpretes Person:

public static void main(String[] args) {
def person = new Person() // constructor is private - compilation error in Java

person.@name = 'Mike' // access name field directly - compilation error in Java
println(person.toString()) = 'John' // there is a setter generated by groovy

person.@surname = 'Foo' // access surname field directly

person.surname = 'Bar' // access auto-generated setter

println(person.signature()) // call private method - compilation error in Java

I was really astonished by its output:

I am null null
I am Mike null
I am John null
I am John Foo
I am John Bar
J. Bar

As you can see, groovy does not follow visibility directives at all! It treats them as non-existing. Code compiles and executes fine. It's contrary to Java. In Java this code has several errors, pointed out in comments.

I've searched a bit on this topic and it seems that this behaviour is known since version 1.1 and there is a bug report on that: It is not resolved even with groovy 2 release. As Tim Yates mentioned in this Stackoverflow question: "It's not clear if it is a bug or by design". Groovy treats visibility keywords as a hint for a programmer.

I need to keep that lesson in mind next time I want to make some field or method private!

New HTTP Logger Grails plugin

I've wrote a new Grails plugin - httplogger. It logs:

  • request information (url, headers, cookies, method, body),
  • grails dispatch information (controller, action, parameters),
  • response information (elapsed time and body).

It is mostly useful for logging your REST traffic. Full HTTP web pages can be huge to log and generally waste your space. I suggest to map all of your REST controllers with the same path in UrlMappings, e.g. /rest/ and configure this plugin with this path.

Here is some simple output just to give you a taste of it.

17:16:00,331 INFO  filters.LogRawRequestInfoFilter  - 17:16:00,340 INFO  filters.LogRawRequestInfoFilter  - 17:16:00,342 INFO  filters.LogGrailsUrlsInfoFilter  - 17:16:00,731 INFO  filters.LogOutputResponseFilter  - >> #1 returned 200, took 405 ms.
17:16:00,745 INFO filters.LogOutputResponseFilter - >> #1 responded with '{count:0}'
17:18:55,799 INFO  filters.LogRawRequestInfoFilter  - 17:18:55,799 INFO  filters.LogRawRequestInfoFilter  - 17:18:55,800 INFO  filters.LogRawRequestInfoFilter  - 17:18:55,801 INFO  filters.LogOutputResponseFilter  - >> #2 returned 404, took 3 ms.
17:18:55,802 INFO filters.LogOutputResponseFilter - >> #2 responded with ''

Official plugin information can be found on Grails plugins website here: or you can browse code on github: TouK/grails-httplogger.