Generic Enum converter for iBatis

My goal was to create a simple, extensible Enum converter that would work with

iBatis. This seems like a trivial problem, but took me a while to find a proper solution. There were some additional preconditions:
* all given Enums are jaxb generated objects – but any standard Java Enum should work
* conversion was 1-to-1, no special conditions and processing The example Enum for this problem looks like this one (copy&paste from jaxb generated source):

@XmlType(name ="ServiceType") 
public enum ServiceType {

    private final String value;

    ServiceType(String v) {
        value = v;

    public String value() {
        return value;

    public static ServiceType fromValue(String v) {
        for (ServiceType c: ServiceType.values()) {
            if (c.value.equals(v)) {
                return c;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(v);


“No big deal”, you say. I beg to differ. What I wanted to achieve was a simple construction which would look like this when used for another Enum (CommonEnumTypeHandler is the name of my generic converter):

public class ServiceTypeHandler extends CommonEnumTypeHandler { }

Unfortunately due to the fact, that Java does not have reified generics, which is described in

multiple places, I had to stick with passing through a Class type of my enum. So it looks like this:

public class ServiceTypeHandler extends CommonEnumTypeHandler {

    public ServiceTypeHandler() {

My final class has to look like this one below:

import java.sql.SQLException;

import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.extensions.ParameterSetter;
import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.extensions.ResultGetter;
import com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.extensions.TypeHandlerCallback;

public abstract class CommonEnumTypeHandler implements TypeHandlerCallback {

    Class enumClass;

    public CommonEnumTypeHandler(Class clazz) {
        this.enumClass = clazz;

    public void setParameter(ParameterSetter ps, Object o) throws SQLException {
        if (o.getClass().isAssignableFrom(enumClass)) {
            ps.setString(((T) o).name().toUpperCase());
        } else
            throw new SQLException("Excpected " + enumClass + " object than: " + o);

    public Object getResult(ResultGetter rs) throws SQLException {
        Object o = valueOf(rs.getString());
        if (o == null)
            throw new SQLException("Unknown parameter type: " + rs.getString());
        return o;

    public Object valueOf(String s) {
        return Enum.valueOf(enumClass, s.toUpperCase());


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