Rozdajemy Raspberry Pi podczas 33rd DegreeRaspberry Pi to give away at 33rd Degree Conference

Zapraszaliśmy Was już do odwiedzenia stoiska TouK podczas konferencji 33rd Degree i wzięcia udziału w konkursie. Pora powiedzieć, dlaczego warto to zrobić.We’ve already invited you to visit our stand during 33rd Degree Conference and to take part in our contest. It’s time to tell you, why it’s worth to do it.

Zapraszaliśmy Was już do odwiedzenia stoiska TouK podczas konferencji 33rd Degree i wzięcia udziału w konkursie.  Pora powiedzieć, dlaczego warto to zrobić.

Nasz konkurs to konkurs hakerski i gra terenowa w jednym. Oprócz dobrej zabawy macie szansę na powrót do domu z własnym Raspberry Pi. Więc szukajcie piórek TouK, żeby wejść do gry!

Do zobaczenia w środę!We’ve already invited you to visit our stand during 33rd Degree Conference and to take part in our contest. It’s time to tell you, why it’s worth to do it.

Our contest is a hacker competition and a field game in one. Apart from a lot of fun you have a chance to come home with your own Raspberry Pi. So look for TouK’s feathers to enter the game!

See you on Wednesdey!

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Distributed scans with HBase

HBase is by design a columnar store, that is optimized for random reads. You just ask for a row using rowId as an identifier and you get your data instantaneously. Performing a scan on part or whole table is a completely different thing. First of all, it is sequential. Meaning it is rather slow, because it doesn't use all the RegionServers at the same time. It is implemented that way to realize the contract of Scan command - which has to return results sorted by key. So, how to do this efficiently?HBase is by design a columnar store, that is optimized for random reads. You just ask for a row using rowId as an identifier and you get your data instantaneously. Performing a scan on part or whole table is a completely different thing. First of all, it is sequential. Meaning it is rather slow, because it doesn't use all the RegionServers at the same time. It is implemented that way to realize the contract of Scan command - which has to return results sorted by key. So, how to do this efficiently?

Sample for lift-ng: Micro-burn 1.0.0 released

During a last few evenings in my free time I've worked on mini-application called micro-burn. The idea of it appear from work with Agile Jira in our commercial project. This is a great tool for agile projects management. It has inline tasks edition, drag & drop board, reports and many more, but it also have a few drawbacks that turn down our team motivation.


From time to time our sprints scope is changing. It is not a big deal because we are trying to be agile :-) but Jira's burndowchart in this situation draw a peek. Because in fact that chart shows scope changes not a real burndown. It means, that chart cannot break down an x-axis if we really do more than we were planned – it always stop on at most zero.

Also for better progress monitoring we've started to split our user stories to technical tasks and estimating them. Original burndowchart doesn't show points from technical tasks. I can find motivation of this – user story almost finished isn't finished at all until user can use it. But in the other hand, if we know which tasks is problematic we can do some teamwork to move it on.

So I realize that it is a good opportunity to try some new approaches and tools.


I've started with lift framework. In the World of Single Page Applications, this framework has more than simple interface for serving REST services. It comes with awesome Comet support. Comet is a replacement for WebSockets that run on all browsers. It supports long polling and transparent fallback to short polling if limit of client connections exceed. In backend you can handle pushes in CometActor. For further reading take a look at Roundtrip promises

But lift framework is also a kind of framework of frameworks. You can handle own abstraction of CometActors and push to client javascript that shorten up your way from server to client. So it was the trigger for author of lift-ng to make a lift with Angular integration that is build on top of lift. It provides AngularActors from which you can emit/broadcast events to scope of controller. NgModelBinders that synchronize your backend model with client scope in a few lines! I've used them to send project state (all sprints and thier details) to client and notify him about scrum board changes. My actor doing all of this hard work looks pretty small:

Lift-ng also provides factories for creating of Angular services. Services could respond with futures that are transformed to Angular promises in-fly. This is all what was need to serve sprint history:

And on the client side - use of service:

In my opinion this two frameworks gives a huge boost in developing of web applications. You have the power of strongly typing with Scala, you can design your domain on Actors and all of this with simplicity of node.js – lack of json trasforming boilerplate and dynamic application reload.

DDD + Event Sourcing

I've also tried a few fresh approaches to DDD. I've organize domain objects in actors. There are SprintActors with encapsulate sprint aggregate root. Task changes are stored as events which are computed as a difference between two boards states. When it should be provided a history of sprint, next board states are computed from initial state and sequence of events. So I realize that the best way to keep this kind of event sourcing approach tested is to make random tests. This is a test doing random changes at board, calculating events and checking if initial state + events is equals to previously created state:

First look

Screenshot of first version:

If you want to look at this closer, check the source code or download ready to run fatjar on github.During a last few evenings in my free time I've worked on mini-application called micro-burn. The idea of it appear from work with Agile Jira in our commercial project. This is a great tool for agile projects management. It has inline tasks edition, drag & drop board, reports and many more, but it also have a few drawbacks that turn down our team motivation.