TouK na warsztatach z Gita

W najbliższą sobotę odbędą się Git kata, warsztaty doskonalenia pracy z Gitem, popularnym systemem zarządzania kodem. Jednym z mentorów będzie Jakub Nabrdalik z TouK.

W najbliższą sobotę odbędą się Git kata, warsztaty doskonalenia pracy z Gitem,  popularnym systemem zarządzania kodem. Jednym z mentorów będzie Jakub Nabrdalik z TouK.

Kuba jest jednym z dziesięciu mentorów, pod okiem których uczestnicy imprezy na konkretnych przykładach będą poznawać tajniki Gita. Zaplanowane jest 48 czterdziestominutowych kat (siedem równoległych w jednym bloku godzinowym).

Zagadnienia, które poruszy Jakub:

11:30 Configs, handful aliases, other tips & tricks
12:20 Manipulating commits with amend and cherry-pick
14:50 Interactive rebase
15:40  Configs, handful aliases, other tips & tricks
16:30  Interactive rebase
17:20 Git internals

Szczegółowy program i opis warsztatów dostępny jest tutaj.

Git kata odbędą się w najbliższą sobotę 23 marca o 11:00 w GammaFactory (Warszawa, ul. Hoża 51). Udział w wydarzeniu jest bezpłatny, ale wymagana jest rejestracja.

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New HTTP Logger Grails plugin

I've wrote a new Grails plugin - httplogger. It logs:

  • request information (url, headers, cookies, method, body),
  • grails dispatch information (controller, action, parameters),
  • response information (elapsed time and body).

It is mostly useful for logging your REST traffic. Full HTTP web pages can be huge to log and generally waste your space. I suggest to map all of your REST controllers with the same path in UrlMappings, e.g. /rest/ and configure this plugin with this path.

Here is some simple output just to give you a taste of it.

17:16:00,331 INFO  filters.LogRawRequestInfoFilter  - 17:16:00,340 INFO  filters.LogRawRequestInfoFilter  - 17:16:00,342 INFO  filters.LogGrailsUrlsInfoFilter  - 17:16:00,731 INFO  filters.LogOutputResponseFilter  - >> #1 returned 200, took 405 ms.
17:16:00,745 INFO filters.LogOutputResponseFilter - >> #1 responded with '{count:0}'
17:18:55,799 INFO  filters.LogRawRequestInfoFilter  - 17:18:55,799 INFO  filters.LogRawRequestInfoFilter  - 17:18:55,800 INFO  filters.LogRawRequestInfoFilter  - 17:18:55,801 INFO  filters.LogOutputResponseFilter  - >> #2 returned 404, took 3 ms.
17:18:55,802 INFO filters.LogOutputResponseFilter - >> #2 responded with ''

Official plugin information can be found on Grails plugins website here: or you can browse code on github: TouK/grails-httplogger.

Context menu or Action buttons ?

Recently I was drawn into one of those UI "religious" disputes that has no easy answers and usually both sides are right. One of our web developers was trying out new web tech (with pretty rich widget library) and started to question himself about some basic usability decisions. The low level problem in this case is usually brought to "which widget should I use ?". I'm not fond of bringing the usability problems to questions: Should I use Tabs over Menu ? Or should I use Context menu instead of buttons panel ? But sometimes if time is crucial factor and other usability levels are by default not addressed at all - better developer that asks those basic questions than developer that do not question himself at all.