Clojure – Fascinated, Disappointed, Astonished

brackets-banner I’ve had a pleasure to work with Piotrek Jagielski for about two weeks on Clojure project. I’ve learned a lot, but there is still a lot to know about Clojure for me. In this post I’ll write what fascinated, disappointed and astonished me about this programming language.

Clojure & InteliJ IDEA tips

Before you start your journey with Clojure: * Use Cursive plugin for InteliJ IDEA. In ’14 Edition it was not in the standard plug-in repository (remove La Clojure plug-in and Cursive repository manually). For IDEA ’15 it is in repository. * Colored brackets help me a lot. You can find configuration for colored brackets on Misophistful Github.



For many people Clojure brackets are reasons to laugh. Jokes like that were funny at first: “How many brackets did you write today?” I have to admit, that at the beginning using brackets was not easy for me. Once I’ve realized that the brackets are just on the other side of the function name, everything was simple and I could code very fast. After few days I’ve realized that this brackets structure forces me to think more about the structure of the code. As a result the code is refactored and divided into small functions. Clojure forces you to use good programming habits.

Data structure is your code

Clojure is homoiconic, which means that the Clojure programs are represented by Clojure data structures. This means that when you are reading a Clojure code you see lists, maps, vectors. How cool is that! You only have to know few things and you can code.

Do not restart your JVM

Because Clojure code is represented as data structures, you can pass data structure (program) to running JVM. Furthermore, compiling your code to bytecode (classes, jars) may be eliminated.

For example, when you want to test something you are not obligated to start new JVM with tests. Instead you can just synchronize your working file with running REPL and run the function.

Traditional way of working with JVM is obsolete.


In the picture above, on the left you can see an editor, on the right there is running REPL.

The same way you can run tests, which is extremely fast. In our project we had ~80 tests. Executing them all took about one second.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication – Leonardo Da Vinci

After getting familiar with this language, it was really easy to read code. Of course, I was not aware of everything what was happening under the hood, but consistency of the written program evoked sense of control.


Data structure is your code

When data structure is your code, you need to have some additional operators to write effective programs. You should get to know operators like ‘->>’, ‘->’, ‘let’, ‘letfn’, ‘do’, ‘if’, ‘recur’ …

Even if there is a good documentation (e.g. Let), you have to spend some time on analyzing it, and trying out examples.

As the time goes on, new operators will be developed. But it may lead to multiple Clojure dialects. I can imagine teams (in the same company) using different sets of operators, dealing with the same problems in different ways. It is not good to have too many tools. Nevertheless, this is just my suspicion.

Know what you do

I’ve written a function that rounds numbers. Despite the fact that this function was simple, I wanted to write test, because I was not sure if I had used the API in correct way. There is the test function below:

(let [result (fixture/round 8.211M)]
  (is (= 8.21M result))))

Unfortunately, tests were not passing. This is the only message that I received:

:error-while-loading pl.package.calc-test
NullPointerException   [trace missing]

Great. There is nothing better than a good exception error. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to solve this, and solution was extremely simple. My function was defined with defn-, instead of defn. defn- means private scope and test code, could not access testing function.

Do not trust assertions

Assertions can be misleading. When tested code does not work properly and returns wrong results, error messages are like this:

ERROR in math-test/math-operation-test (
should round using half up
expected: (= 8.31M result)
 actual: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq from: java.math.BigDecimal

I hadn’t got time to investigate it, but in my opinion it should work out of the box.


It is a matter of time, when tools will be better. Those problems will slow you down, and they are not nice to work with.


The Clojure concurrency impressed me. Until then, I knew only standard Java synchronization model and Scala actors model. I’ve never though that concurrency problems can be solved in a different way. I will explain Clojure approach to concurrency, in details.

Normal variables

The closest Clojure’s analogy to the variables are vars, which can be created by def.

(defn a01 []
  (def amount 10)
  (def amount 100)
  (println amount))

We also have local variables which are only in let scope. If we re-define scope value of amount, the change will take place only in local context.

(defn a02 []
  (let [amount 10]
    (let [amount 100]
      (println amount))
    (println amount)))

The following will print:


Nothing unusual. We might expect this behavior.

Concurrent access variables

The whole idea of concurrent access variables can be written in one sentence. Refs ensures safe shared access to variables via STM, where mutation can only occur via transaction. Let me explain it step by step.

What is Refs?

Refs (reference) is a special type to hold references to your objects. As you can expect, basic things you can do with it is storing and reading values.

What is STM?

STM stands for Software Transactional Memory. STM is an alternative to lock-based synchronization system. If you like theory, please continue with Wikipedia, otherwise continue reading to see examples.

Using Refs

(defn a03 []
  (def amount (ref 10))
  (println @amount))

In the second line, we are creating reference. Name of this reference is amount. Current value is 10. In the third line, we are reading value of the reference called amount. Printed result is 10.

Modifying Refs without transaction

(defn a04 []
  (def amount (ref 10))
  (ref-set amount 100)
  (println @amount))


Using ref-set command, we modify the value of the reference amount to the value 100. But it won’t work. Instead of that we caught exception:

IllegalStateException No transaction running  clojure.lang.LockingTransaction.getEx (

Using transaction

(defn a05 []
  (def amount (ref 10))
  (dosync (ref-set amount 100))
  (println @amount))

To modify the code we have to use dosync operation. By using it, we create transaction and only then the referenced value will be changed.

Complete example

The aim of the previous examples was to get familiar with the new operators and basic behavior. Below, I’ve prepared an example to illustrate bolts and nuts of STM, transactions and rollbacks.

The problem

Imagine we have two references for holding data: * source-vector containing three elements: “A”, “B” and “C”. * empty destination-vector.

Our goal is to copy the whole source vector to destination vector. Unfortunately, we can only use function which can copy elements one by one – copy-vector.

Moreover, we have three threads that will do the copy. Threads are started by the future function.

Keep in mind that this is probably not the best way to copy vectors, but it illustrates how STM works.

(defn copy-vector [source destination]
    (let [head (take 1 @source)
          tail (drop 1 @source)
          conj (concat head @destination)]
        (println "Trying to write destination ... ")
        (ref-set destination conj)
        (println "Trying to write source ... ")
        (ref-set source tail)
        (println "Sucessful write " @destination)))))

(defn a06 []
  (let [source-vector (ref ["A" "B" "C"]) destination-vector (ref [])]
      (future (copy-vector source-vector destination-vector))
      (future (copy-vector source-vector destination-vector))
      (future (copy-vector source-vector destination-vector))
      (Thread/sleep 500)

Below is the output of this function. We can clearly see that the result is correct. Destination vector has three elements. Between Sucessful write messages we can see that there are a lot of messages starting with Trying to write. What does it mean? The rollback and retry occurred.

Trying to write destination ...
Trying to write source ... 
Trying to write destination ...
Trying to write destination ... 
Sucessful write (A)
Trying to write destination ...
Trying to write destination ...
Trying to write source ...
Sucessful write  (B A)
Trying to write destination ...
Trying to write source ...
Sucessful write  (C B A)
=> ("C" "B" "A")

Each thread started to copy this vector, but only one succeed. The remaining two threads had to rollback work and try again one more time.


When Thread A (red one) wants to write variable, it notices that the value has been changed by someone else – conflict occurs. As a result, it stops the current work and tries again whole section of dosync. It will try until every write operation succeed.

Pros and cons of STM

Cons: * Everything that happens in dosync section has to be pure, without side effects. For example you can not send email to someone, because you might send 10 emails instead of one.
* From performance perspective, it makes sense when you are reading a lot from Refs, but rarely writing it.

Pros: * Written code is easy to read, understand, modify. * Refs and transactions are part of standard library, so you can use it in Vanilla Java. Take a look at this blog post for more examples.


There is a lot that Java developers can gain from Clojure. They can learn how to approach the code and how to express the problem in the code. Also they can discover tools like STM.

If you like to develop your skills, you should definitely experiment with Clojure.

Blog from Michał Lewandowski personal blog.

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Using WsLite in practice


There is a example working GitHub project which covers unit testing and request/response logging when using WsLite.

Why Groovy WsLite ?

I’m a huge fan of Groovy WsLite project for calling SOAP web services. Yes, in a real world you have to deal with those - big companies have huge amount of “legacy” code and are crazy about homogeneous architecture - only SOAP, Java, Oracle, AIX…

But I also never been comfortable with XFire/CXF approach of web service client code generation. I wrote a bit about other posibilites in this post. With JAXB you can also experience some freaky classloading errors - as Tomek described on his blog. In a large commercial project the “the less code the better” principle is significant. And the code generated from XSD could look kinda ugly - especially more complicated structures like sequences, choices, anys etc.

Using WsLite with native Groovy concepts like XmlSlurper could be a great choice. But since it’s a dynamic approach you have to be really careful - write good unit tests and log requests. Below are my few hints for using WsLite in practice.

Unit testing

Suppose you have some invocation of WsLite SOAPClient (original WsLite example):

def getMothersDay(long _year) {
    def response = client.send(SOAPAction: action) {
       body {
           GetMothersDay('xmlns':'') {

How can the unit test like? My suggestion is to mock SOAPClient and write a simple helper to test that builded XML is correct. Example using great SpockFramework:

void setup() {
   client = Mock(SOAPClient)
   service.client = client

def "should pass year to GetMothersDay and return date"() {
      def year = 2013
      def date = service.getMothersDay(year)
      1 * client.send(_, _) >> { Map params, Closure requestBuilder ->
            Document doc = buildAndParseXml(requestBuilder)
            assertXpathEvaluatesTo("$year", '//ns:GetMothersDay/ns:year', doc)
            return mockResponse(Responses.mothersDay)
      date == "2013-05-12T00:00:00"

This uses a real cool feature of Spock - even when you mock the invocation with “any mark” (_), you are able to get actual arguments. So we can build XML that would be passed to SOAPClient's send method and check that specific XPaths are correct:

void setup() {
    engine = XMLUnit.newXpathEngine()
    engine.setNamespaceContext(new SimpleNamespaceContext(namespaces()))

protected Document buildAndParseXml(Closure xmlBuilder) {
    def writer = new StringWriter()
    def builder = new MarkupBuilder(writer)
    return XMLUnit.buildControlDocument(writer.toString())

protected void assertXpathEvaluatesTo(String expectedValue,
                                      String xpathExpression, Document doc) throws XpathException {
            engine.evaluate(xpathExpression, doc))

protected Map namespaces() {
    return [ns: '']

The XMLUnit library is used just for XpathEngine, but it is much more powerful for comparing XML documents. The NamespaceContext is needed to use correct prefixes (e.g. ns:GetMothersDay) in your Xpath expressions.

Finally - the mock returns SOAPResponse instance filled with envelope parsed from some constant XML:

protected SOAPResponse mockResponse(String resp) {
    def envelope = new XmlSlurper().parseText(resp)
    new SOAPResponse(envelope: envelope)

Request and response logging

The WsLite itself doesn’t use any logging framework. We usually handle it by adding own sendWithLogging method:

private SOAPResponse sendWithLogging(String action, Closure cl) {
    SOAPResponse response = client.send(SOAPAction: action, cl)
    log(response?.httpRequest, response?.httpResponse)
    return response

private void log(HTTPRequest request, HTTPResponse response) {
    log.debug("HTTPRequest $request with content:\n${request?.contentAsString}")
    log.debug("HTTPResponse $response with content:\n${response?.contentAsString}")

This logs the actual request and response send through SOAPClient. But it logs only when invocation is successful and errors are much more interesting… So here goes withExceptionHandler method:

private SOAPResponse withExceptionHandler(Closure cl) {
    try {
    } catch (SOAPFaultException soapEx) {
        log(soapEx.httpRequest, soapEx.httpResponse)
        def message = soapEx.hasFault() ? soapEx.fault.text() : soapEx.message
        throw new InfrastructureException(message)
    } catch (HTTPClientException httpEx) {
        log(httpEx.request, httpEx.response)
        throw new InfrastructureException(httpEx.message)
def send(String action, Closure cl) {
    withExceptionHandler {
        sendWithLogging(action, cl)

XmlSlurper gotchas

Working with XML document with XmlSlurper is generally great fun, but is some cases could introduce some problems. A trivial example is parsing an id with a number to Long value:

def id = Long.valueOf(edit.'@id' as String)

The Attribute class (which edit.'@id' evaluates to) can be converted to String using as operator, but converting to Long requires using valueOf.

The second example is a bit more complicated. Consider following XML fragment:

<edit id="3">
      <param value="label1" name="label"/>
      <param value="2" name="param2"/>
<edit id="6">
      <param value="label2" name="label"/>
      <param value="2" name="param2"/>

We want to find id of edit whose label is label1. The simplest solution seems to be:

def param = doc.edit.params.param.find { it['@value'] == 'label1' }
def edit = params.parent().parent()

But it doesn’t work! The parent method returns multiple edits, not only the one that is parent of given param

Here’s the correct solution:

doc.edit.find { edit ->
    edit.params.param.find { it['@value'] == 'label1' }


The example working project covering those hints could be found on GitHub.